Vopak (NL)

The lighting design for the Vopak head office in Rotterdam was created by Deltalight Nederland together with architect firm Hollandse Nieuwe. The design focuses on the ground floor level, which includes the entrance, flex work stations, conference rooms and the company’s restaurant. LED light fittings were used throughout the entire project.

The lighting layout had to provide the best possible lighting for each area in terms of functionality and the overall user experience. The lighting in the company restaurant, for instance, had to be more cosy than the lights used in the entrance and the flex work stations. As the building is concrete core activated, the lighting layout mainly makes use of surface-mounted light fittings. However, as the entrance area did allow for the installation of flush-mounted light fixtures, Oreo flush-mounted spotlights were installed as the basic lighting option. The Oreo spotlights with their halo accent lighting add a small decorative touch.

A key element throughout the lighting concept is the long black wall, which is accentuated even further by the Femtoline profiles used as indirect lighting along the entire length of the wall. In addition, an endless profile was used near the perforated map of the world to add basic lighting without outshining the backlit effect. In the corridors, existing surface-mounted lighting was replaced by more energy-efficient and effective Supernova LED fittings.

Inside the restaurant, a strip ceiling was installed to improve the atmosphere and acoustics. It is mounted on a 3-phase rail mount that also powers the You-Turn On Reo AD spotlights in this room. They feature a 2700K LED light source to create an atmosphere of warmth. By using the rail not only for mounting the lights but as a constructive element as well, it was possible to reduce costs while providing better quality detailing at the same time.

You-Turn spotlights are also used in the kitchen area of the restaurant for basic lighting and accent lighting. A colour temperature of 2700K is used in here as well, as it is ideal for highlighting fresh food products. The same colour temperature is also used in the Reo light fittings near the coffee bar. Femtoline HP light fittings were added to the flex work stations as a source of indirect lighting for the work areas.
Interior design
Hollandse Nieuwe
Van Dorp Installatie Techniek