As outdoor luminaires often need to withstand harsh weather conditions, Deltalight maintains the highest standards in the material choices for finishing the products, as well as in the technology and the manufacturing process. Each luminaire is designed, engineered and manufactured to guarantee high, maintained IP ratings and a long lifetime.

Integrated Moisture lock


An integrated moisture lock prohibits incoming water from below: in-house designed gaskets avoid water ingress from above to reach the required IP-rating.

Design to last


Be it in the choice of material, components or the way it is assembled, our products are built to last. Products that suffer from wear and tear because of their type of installation are from standard available in brushed stainless steel. Thermally toughened glass to withstand high demands and loads offer additional protection and safety. Protective sheets allow mounting on raw surfaces without damaging the luminaires surface.

Deltalight Quali protect


As holders of the European Qualicoat label for painted architectural aluminum, we assure product quality through rigorous testing and evaluations of our production standards. This certification ensures our powder coating processing line adheres to European norms, with regular assessments for complete powder polymerization.

Climate proof

Our improved outdoor range is designed to resist extreme weather conditions: extreme heat, heavy snow or rainfall, ice and cold temperatures, …

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