The Soliscape System
UNStudio and Deltalight have joined forces to endeavour to improve the wellbeing of people in our rapidly changing work environments, where human health and the war on talent have become a primary focus for employers. Soliscape is an extremely versatile and flexible system, specifically designed to create human-centric environments.

Sound and light-scape
In a given location and from focused work to group presentations, the Soliscape (sound and light-scape) system makes possible activity-based illumination, alongside acoustic qualities. The intention of Soliscape is to create flexible lightscapes that are responsive to the user’s ever-changing needs and activities, where design is no longer imposed by the designers, but guided by the user, resulting in responsive and adaptive design. The Soliscape system combines miniaturisation and personalisation, in a unique design language.
Modules for lighting, acoustics & sensors
The Soliscape system is a toolbox of flexible components and modules for architects and designers that will enable them to create workable and liveable solutions for their projects; a system that combines lighting with acoustics and connected sensoring, into an aesthetically appealing solution that can easily connect to any building management system. The system is also flexible and future-proof, as it allows for new materials and functions to be added in the future.

For workspaces and beyond
The Soliscape system is not limited to workspaces alone. Due to its adaptable configuration possibilities, the system has a broad range of applications and can also be used in hotels, hospitality, retail and public spaces. The system can be configured to best suit the daily needs and programming of each location. In addition, more than ever before, today’s spaces are evolving to operate with hybrid functions; the home and office are blending, hospitality spaces are becoming meeting places. The possibility to adapt lighting and acoustic landscapes for dual or multi-purpose use is thus an added quality for many of these spaces.

Efficient and scalable
Soliscape combines individual functions into one all-encompassing system, offering a more affordable and efficient tool to work with. Aside from the affordability of the single component, affordability is created through the scalability of the system, where products couple with services.

Get inspiration from our 4 cases with Soliscape configurations, demonstrating the versatile, adaptive and responsive nature of the system.

Considered design
Both the UNStudio and Deltalight teams collaborated on the design details, such as placing the module connection on the top of the profile to maintain a smooth appearance from below, the way the acoustic panels can move, or keeping it adaptive to position the different modules on either side of the profile.

Soliscape has basic framing elements, but allows for a variety of complementary sustainable materials to expand its look and feel. More than 60% of the material in the acoustic panels comes from recycled PET bottles, however different materials can be used within the system to facilitate specific functionalities, from acoustic to decorative to atmospheric. Furthermore, controlled and smart lighting contributes to the overall energy efficiency of the building.