We are presenting 4 cases with Soliscape configurations, demonstrating the versatile, adaptive and responsive nature of the system.
Product configuration – 5 Solicape compositions of:
4 x circular Soliscape with each 4 x Spot 20°
1 x Soliscape configuration with 2 x 900mm diameter round curves
4 x acoustic panels
4 x Spot module 40° + honeycomb
Spotlighting dimmed or at full power according to activity tracking in the room.
Spy modules aimed at the walls and shelves at 50% of the power, with spotlight
on the desk at 30% of the power. The profiles only provide general ambiance with
uplight at 100% of power. Spotlights above the Lounge area OFF.
Integrated sensoring & control:
Daylight sensoring in combination with presence detection guarantees that the required lux levels are reached on the active desks. This can be overruled by activating a programmed evening work scenario.
Soft Dim is activated to provide a warmer light.
Product configuration 4 Solicape compositions of:
4 x 3m linear Soliscape profile
2 x 600mm diameter round curves
3 x Soli-Shhh panels
2 x Soli-Form Down-Up profiles positioned perpendicular to the profile

Late night, only 2 persons left in the office.
Uplight and downlight on both desks to full power.
Integrated sensoring & control:
Presence detection sensoring detects activity and provides illumination to meet the defined lux levels.
Daylight sensoring guarantees that the required lux levels are reached on the active desks.
Soliscape connects with the HVAC system to provide zonal heating / cooling and ventilation.

Early morning, dawn-dark outside, with 2 people sitting at the same desk.
Soli-Form uplight above the desks, Soli-Form downlight only where the seats are taken. The Melanopic Light Technology (MLT) helps control the circadian rhythm via a unique spectrum meant to stimulate activity.
Integrated sensoring & control:
Presence detection sensoring detects activity and provides downlight illumination only where people are active. At the same time uplight is provided to create a pleasant and comfortable work environment.
Daylight sensoring guarantees that the required lux levels are reached on the active desks.
Soliscape connects with the HVAC system to provide zonal heating / cooling and ventilation.

Sunny mid-day, all seats are taken.
Uplight and downlight are dimmed to reach 500lux on each desk, close to or away from the windows.
Integrated sensoring & control:
Presence detection sensoring detects activity and provides illumination to meet the defined lux levels.
Daylight sensoring guarantees that the required lux levels are reached on the active desks.
Window blinds are automatically lowered where sunlight is detected.
Soliscape connects with the HVAC system to provide zonal heating / cooling and ventilation, based on data captured by air quality, humidity & temperature sensors.

End of day, all seats are taken.
Uplight and downlight above all desks to full power.
Integrated sensoring & control:
Presence detection sensoring detects activity and provides illumination to meet the defined lux levels.
Daylight sensoring guarantees that the required lux levels are reached on the active desks.
Soliscape connects with the HVAC system to provide zonal heating / cooling and ventilation, based on data captured by air quality, humidity & temperature sensors.
Product configuration
2 x 3m + 2 x 2m linear Soliscape profile
2 x 600mm diameter round curves
2 x Soli-Shhh panels
3 x Soli-Form down-up profiles positioned perpendicular to the profile
6 x Soli-52 module 20°, NLT

Director alone at his desk, dusk early evening
NLT Soli-52 aimed at the art and shelves at 50% of the power, with spotlight on the desk at 50% of the power.
Natural Light Technology (NLT) enhances the vibrant colours of the paintings and boosts the circadian rhythm. The Soli-Form modules only provide general ambiance with uplight at 100% of power. Spotlights above the lounge area off.
Integrated sensoring & control:
Daylight sensoring in combination with presence detection guarantees that the required lux levels are reached. This can be overruled by activating a programmed evening work scenario. Soft Dim is activated to provide a warmer light.
The wireless music system is activated via Soliscape and connected voice control.
Presence detection sensoring will automatically detect when the director leaves the offices, and switch to a nighttime scenario.
Soliscape connects with the HVAC system to provide ideal heating / cooling and ventilation.

Director at his desk in conversation with 2 colleagues, morning.
Spotlights on art and shelves are at 30%. Uplight with the Soli-Form profiles on at switched OFF.
Spotlights on desk on at 100% of the power.
Spotlights above the lounge area off.
Integrated sensoring & control:
Voice control:
- Sunblinds 50% down
Daylight sensoring in combination with presence detection guarantees that the required lux levels are reached on the active desks addapted to the new situation
Soliscape connects with the HVAC system to provide ideal heating/cooling and ventilation addapted to the new situation.

Director and 2 clients in an informal talk in the seating area, afternoon.
Spotlights on art and shelves on at 100%.
Soli-Form uplight on at 100%. Spotlights on desk off.
Spotlights above the Lounge area on at 100%.
Integrated sensoring & control:
Window screens are automatically lowered as sensoring detects too much incoming sunlight.
Presence detection recognizes activity and adapts lighting scenario as required.
Soliscape connects with the HVAC system to provide ideal heating / cooling and ventilation.
Product configuration 1 Solicape composition of:
2 x 3m linear Soliscape profile
2 x 600mm diameter round curves
2 x Soli-Shhh panels
1 x Soli-52 module 20°
2 x Soli-Form down-up profiles positioned alongside the profile

3 team members are in a conference call.
The Soli-Form profiles provide full power uplight. The Soli-Form downlight is dimmed at 50% to show the faces of the people in the room.
Integrated sensoring & control:
Soliscape is connected to the calendar of the meeting room. The system can prepare the room to meet the pre-set ideal temperature and conditions.
Via voice-control the Soliscape lighting switches to a programmed conference call setting.
Presence detection sensoring will switch off the lighting when the room is empty.

3 team members going through a presention on the monitor
No uplight, Soli-Form profiles dimmed to 20%, sufficient to take notes on the desk.
Integrated sensoring & control:
Soliscape is connected to the calendar of the meeting room. The system can prepare the room to meet the pre-set ideal temperature and conditions.
Via voice-control the Soliscape lighting switches to a programmed presentation mode.
Presence detection sensoring will switch off the lighting when the room is empty.

1 person explaining at the whiteboard to 2 people at the table.
Soli-Form uplight dimmed to 50%, Soli-Form downlight dimmed to 50%. Soli-52 spotlight illuminating the whiteboard.
Integrated sensoring & control:
Soliscape is connected to the calendar of the meeting room.
The system can prepare the room to meet the pre-set ideal temperature and conditions.
Via voice-control the Soliscape lighting switches to a programmed whiteboard mode.
Presence detection sensoring will switch off the lighting when the room is empty.