The Belgian Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai (AE)

Deltalight is selected as a lighting sponsor for the Belgian pavilion at the World Expo in Dubai. The 35th World Expo takes place from 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022. The Belgian pavilion, 'The Green Arch', is an architectural gem created by Assar Architects and Vincent Callebaut Architectures.

A green arch in Dubai

'The Green Arch' is a masterpiece of construction technology and architecture. By conceiving the building as an arch, it invites, brings people together and creates a sense of belonging, a most relevant approach in current times. Terraces with greenery reveal the sustainable focus of the Belgian pavilion.

Deltalight's vision is in line with that of the Belgian pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai. High standards of design and technology and a commitment to sustainability are reflected in the architecture of the Belgian pavilion as much as in the Deltalight collection.

Like the pavilion's sophisticated architecture and construction, our Deltalight lighting solutions combine innovative technology with sophisticated, contemporary design. Our architectural lighting harmonises with the pavilion's architecture and accentuates design features, both inside and on the balconies.

Harmony of light and architecture

The lighting approach by lighting designer Véronique Marijn harmonises with the function of each space. In the seminar room, the restaurant and the circulation areas, functional lighting is key, with an emphasis on sleek design. In the restaurants, our Shiftline profiles are fitted with gold-coloured Hedra spotlights. Momba wall luminaires provide comfortable and atmospheric lighting.

In the exhibition areas, experience lighting is created with our Spy and Fragma spotlights on tracks, lighting solutions that meet the needs of gallery and museum spaces. A playful lighting plan in the entrance hall presents decorative lighting. Our Shiftline profiles are fitted with a range of lighting modules, including spot lighting, LED line lighting and diffuse solutions.

Connecting Minds, Creating the Future

150 countries come together in Dubai, united under the theme 'Connecting Minds, Creating the Future'. This theme translates into three central storylines: mobility, sustainability and opportunity. Each has its own zone within the expo grounds. In the Belgian pavilion, the focus is on technological innovations in the field of mobility.

The pavilion uses Belgian techniques, applications, products and materials, with Deltalight as a lighting sponsor, among others. In the pavilion visitors will find an exhibition trail, but also shops with Belgian souvenirs, areas to sample culinary specialities, a business centre and a gastronomic brasserie with a terrace.

BelExpo organises Belgium's participation in the World Expo in Dubai. It also appointed the BEMOB-2020 group for the construction of the pavilion, consisting of the BESIX and Vanhout contractors and the Assar Architects and Vincent Callebaut Architectures firms. The lighting design of the Belgian pavilion in Dubai is a realisation of Véronique Marijn.
United Arab Emirates
Assar Architects & Vincent Callebaut Architectures
Lighting design
Véronique Marijn
Nizar Bredan
public buildings