Deltalight's headquarters serves multiple roles, acting as a commercial, educational, and creative hub where ideas flourish. Additionally, it serves as the central hub for our logistical operations. From here, our light fixtures embark on their journey to illuminate our customers' lives worldwide.

Large stock of parts and semi-finished products
We live by this maxim: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. That’s why we keep a large stock of things such as fittings and cables, as well as semi-finished products, for later assembly. The components or semi-finished products that come from subcontractors pass extensive quality controls before they leave for another subcontractor for processes such as coating.

Finished parts
We pride ourselves on filling custom orders as fast – and as well – as we can. To do this, we keep all types of extruded parts in stock. This allows us to process custom orders of items with short delivery times.
All received parts are checked for stains, scratches, dents, or other visible imperfections. Every part has to be perfect! Only then are they sawn down and used for assembly.
A passionate Deltalight team controls the assembly of the products itself. The finished products get a final quality check and are packaged for shipment to the customer. This is how we’re able to make around 150,000 products every month.

Finished goods, ready for export
Operating from our Belgian warehouses, we export to approximately 120 countries globally, necessitating meticulous logistical management. Leveraging advanced digitalization, our warehouse management system meticulously tracks the movement of materials and products throughout the entire process, from receipt and storage to order picking, packaging, and shipping. This transparency ensures customers can rely on punctual delivery, as we provide visibility into every aspect of the process.
Automated warehouse
Since 2015, Deltalight has also run an automated warehouse that can accommodate approximately 15,000 pallets. The building is no less than 26 meters high and has 15 floors. A team of 9 robots guarantees optimal automation of the warehouse process.