Innocore Office (IN)

This office is the Headquarters for Vensa Infra and Builders in a high-rise building in Hyderabad, India.
The creative and sophisticated design for this space reflects Vensa’s focus on upscale and modern luxury.

The design aesthetic is a duality of blends and contrasts - natural and artificial, modern and rustic.

Deep recessed and linear up/down lights are used to discreetly highlight furniture without drawing attention to light sources.
Suspended lights are also used in waiting areas and other offices. Those in the waiting area are decorative and accented, while the lights in the main office are made of burnished brass and introduce a grunge feel to the overall aesthetic.
In addition to the artificial lighting described above, clever use of abundant natural light compliments this space.
Floor-to-ceiling windows in every room provide panoramic views of the horizon. This theme of transparency and visibility continues throughout the overall space with glass frames partitioning off cubicles and offices instead of opaque walls. Natural light streams in from all sides, bathing the floor in sunlight. The layered approach to lighting helps create a clear visual hierarchy in the space, helps in achieving the transparency through the maze of glass.

While optimizing continuous natural lighting, glass paneling can cause excess reverb and poor acoustics.
To fix this issue, performance acoustic ceilings were added, which absorb reverb and improve overall sound. Modern wood veneer paneling and rustic stone are used to cover the walls, with both materials visible from all points on the floor.