Cookie POLICY of the WEBSITE
  1. Applicability

1.1. This Cookie Policy applies to the use of cookies and other tracking technologies on (the "Website"), a website of Delta Light SA/NV, with office at Muizelstraat 2, 8560 Wevelgem, Belgium and with company registration number 0432 671 468, Company Register Ghent, Section Kortrijk (Belgium), (hereinafter "Deltalight", "we", "us" or "our").

1.2. We are also active on social media platforms,  such as Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, Pinterest and Vimeo, to ameliorate our interaction with our clients and prospects and to ensure our presence on the internet. However, none of our products or services are exclusively being commercialized through social media.

When visiting our social media pages, the processing of your personal data is operated under a joint controllership between us and the operator of the social media platform. A data sharing agreement (or joint processing agreement) determines the rights and obligations of us and the operator as to the processing of your personal data. The joint control among Deltalight and the operator of the social media platform only extends to those processing operations for which we effectively co-determine the purposes and means. It extends, for example, to the processing of personal data resulting from the selection of the relevant targeting criteria and the display of the advertisement to a target audience. It also covers the processing of personal data undertaken by the operator of the social media platform to report to us about the results of a targeting campaign. The joint control does not, however, extend to operations involving the processing of personal data at other stages occurring before the selection of the relevant targeting criteria or after the targeting and reporting has been completed and in which Deltalight has not participated in determining the purposes and means. Therefore, we recommend you, when asserting your rights as towards our social media-pages, to address your questions and/or demands both to the operator of the social media platform as to us.

When visiting our social media pages, you are doing this freely. If you are logged in to one of your social media accounts and visit our social media page, the operator of the social media platform can assign this visit to your user account. However, your personal data may also be collected if you are not logged in or do not have an account with the respective social media portal. In this case, this data is collected, for example, via cookies that are stored on your end device or by recording your IP address.

With the help of the data collected in this way, the operators of social media platform can create user profiles in which your preferences and interests are stored. This way, interest-based advertising can be displayed to you both inside and outside the respective social media presence. If you have an account with the respective social network, interest-based advertising can be displayed on all devices on which you are or were logged in. You can change these settings and preference on the concerned social media platform. We have no input on these features.

1.3. The website of Deltalight also integrates plugins from social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, Pinterest and Vimeo. You can recognize plugins by logo or the "Like Button" ("Like") on the website. When you visit the website, the plugins establish a direct connection between your browser and the server of the operator of the social media platform. The operator thereby receives the information that you have visited this website with your IP address. If you click the “Like-Button” while you are logged in to your social media account of the concerned operator, you can link the contents of our website on your profile. This allows the operator of the social media platform to associate your visit to this website with your user account.

Deltalight and the operator of the social media platform jointly determine the purpose of the processing, which is to display a specific advertisement on the social media platform to the individuals who make up the target audience. By embedding a pixel into the website, Deltalight exerts an influence on the collection and transmission of the personal data of visitors of the website. The operator of the social media platform has developed and offers the software code (pixel) that leads to the automatic collection, transmission and evaluation for marketing purposes of personal data to the social media provider. As a result, joint controllership exists in relation to the collection of personal data and its transmission by way of pixels, as well as in relation to the matching and subsequent display of the advertisement to the visitor on the social media platform, and for any reporting relating to the targeting campaign.

The plugins will not be activated unless you give your explicit consent through the cookie banner on the website. In the cookie policy a detailed description of the plugins is available. When you gave your consent, you have the right to withdraw it at any time.

  1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that websites place on your device as you are browsing. They are processed and stored by your web browser. In and of themselves, cookies are harmless and serve crucial functions for websites. Cookies can also generally be easily viewed and deleted. Website servers set cookies to help authenticate the user if the user logs in to a secure area of the website. Login information is stored in a cookie so the user can enter and leave the website without having to re-enter the same authentication information over and over. Click here for information about cookies, the EU GDPR and ePrivacy Directive 

Types of Cookies? 


Session cookies are also used by the server to store information about user page activities so users can easily pick up where they left off on the server's pages. By default, web pages really don't have any 'memory'. Cookies tell the server what pages to show the user so the user doesn't have to remember or start navigating the site all over again. 

Persistent cookies are also employed to store user preferences. Many websites allow the user to customize how information is presented through site layouts or themes. These changes make the site easier to navigate and/or let the user leave a part of the user's “personality” at the site. 


Strictly necessary cookies  

These cookies are essential for you to browse the website and use its features, such as accessing secure areas of the site. These cookies are necessary for the website to work and cannot be disabled. 

Preference cookies  

Also known as “functionality cookies,” these cookies enhance the usability of a website by remembering your choices (e.g. language preferences, region, login). These cookies are necessary for a number of user experience functionalities and should therefore not be switched off. 

Statistics cookies  

Also known as “analytical cookies,” these cookies collect information about how you use a website, like which pages you visited and which links you clicked on. None of this information can be used to identify you. It is all aggregated and, therefore, anonymized. Their sole purpose is to improve website functions. 

Marketing cookies  

These cookies track your online activity to help advertisers deliver more relevant advertising or to limit how many times you see an ad. These cookies can share that information with other organizations or advertisers. These are persistent cookies and often of 3rd party origin. 

  1. What cookies do we use and why?










Cookie type 

Storage period 

Cookie preferences 


Store the user’s cookie preference 


6 months 

Session ID 


A session ID or token is a unique number which is used to identify a user that has logged into a website. The session ID is stored inside the server, it is assigned to a specific user for the duration of that user's visit (session). 



Country code 


Store the country code based on the selected localization of the website 


1 month 

Language code 


Store the language code based on the selected localization of the website 


1 month 










Cookie type 

Storage period 

Recently viewed products 



Story the recently viewed products per site (International or North-America) and per localization (nl_BE, en_GB, …) 


1 month 

Anonymous pinlist 


Store the products a user adds to the pinlist (non-authenticated) 


1 month 



is a first party cookie placed by the Pinterest tag for unidentified user. It contains a unique UUID to group actions across pages. 












Cookie type 

Storage period 

ClickDimensions unique visitor detection 


This cookie is typically written to the browser upon the first visit to our sitefrom that web browser. If the cookie has been deleted by the browser operator, and the browser subsequently visits the site, a new __cuvidcookie is written with a different visitor unique ID. This cookie is used todetermine unique visitors to the site and it is updated with each page view.Additionally, this cookie is provided with a unique ID that the application uses to ensure both the validity and accessibility of the cookie as an extra security measure. 


2 years 

ClickDimensions customer session tracking 


This cookie is used to establish and continue a user session with the site. When a user views a page on the site, the script code attempts to update this cookie. If it does not find the cookie, a new one is written and a new session isestablished. Each time a user visits a different page on the site, this cookie is updated to expire in 30 minutes, thus continuing a single session for as long as user activity continues within 30-minute intervals. This cookie expires when a user pauses on a page on the site for longer than 30 minutes. 


30 minutes 

ClickDimensions page view tracking 


Used to signal the last time a visitor viewed a page. 


30 minutes 


_hj Session User 




Google Analytics 


Google Analytics website tracking 


See below 



A persistent cookie – remains on a computer, unless it expires or the cookie cache is cleared. It tracks visitors. Metrics associated with the Google __utma cookie include: first visit (unique visit), last visit (returning visit). 


1 year 



This cookie work in tandem with __utmc to calculate visit length. Google __utmb cookie demarks the exact arrival time, then Google __utmc registers the precise exit time of the user. Because __utmb counts entrance visits, it is a session cookie, and expires at the end of the session, e.g. when the user leaves the page. 





A timestamp of 30 minutes must pass before Google cookie _utmc expires. Given _utmc cannot tell if a browser or website session ends, if no new page view is recorded in 30 minutes the cookie expires. 


30 minutes 



Cookie _utmz monitors the HTTP Referrer and notes where a visitor arrived from, with the referrer grouped by Source Type (Search engine (organic or cpc), direct, social and unaccounted).  

From the HTTP Referrer the cookie _utmz also registers, what keyword generated the visit plus geolocation data. 


6 months 



Google __utmv Cookie lasts “forever”. It is a persistant cookie. It is used for segmentation, data experimentation and  the __utmv works hand in hand with the   __utmz cookie to improve cookie targeting capabilities. 



(until cleared) 










Cookie type 

Storage period 

Google Adsense 


Store and track conversions via Google Adsense 


2 months 













The Facebook pixel is a marketing tool that allows us to measure the effectiveness of ads and understand the actions people take on our website.  

This pixel enables Facebook to place cookies in the visitor's browser when our website is visited. 

Fraud prevention 

 to enable ad serving or retargeting. 

 to keep the source reference on Facebook 

 to keep track of the first visited Facebook page 

 to keep track of the last visited Facebook page 

 to save browser data. 

 to determine the screen resolution. 

 Measurement of conversion.  

This anonymous information is used to determine the value of an advertising partner. 

 used to contain the user's chat state. For example, which chat tabs are open. 

Pixel tracker 




When the Meta Pixel is installed on a website, and the Pixel uses first-party cookies, the Pixel automatically saves a unique identifier to an _fbp cookie for the website domain if one does not already exist. 


3 months 



When a user clicks on an ad on Facebook, the link sometimes includes a fbclid query parameter. When the user lands on our website, if the website has a Meta Pixel that uses first-party cookies, the Pixel automatically saves the fbclid query parameter to an _fbc cookie for that website domain.  


2 years 



This cookie is used by the social networking service, LinkedIn, for tracking the use of embedded services. This also allows the visitor to login to a website (if available) through their LinkedIn application for example. 


1 year 



Collects data on user behaviour and interaction in order to optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant.         

Pixel tracker 




Stores the user's cookie consent state for the current domain 


6 months 



Collects data on user behaviour and interaction in order to optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant. 

HTML local storage 




Collects data on user behaviour and interaction in order to optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant. 


3 months 



Tries to estimate the users' bandwidth on pages with integrated YouTube videos. 


6 months 








Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen. 





is a first party cookie which groups actions for users who cannot be identified by Pinterest. 


1 year 



is the Pinterest login cookie. It contains user ID(s), authentication token(s) and timestamps. If the person is logged out, authentication tokens are deleted but we leave the cookie present. We use the logged out user ID(s) to optimize the person’s experience and measurement. 


1 year 


_pinterest_ct and _pinterest_ct_rt 

Both are identical. They contain a user ID and the timestamp at which the cookie was created. 


1 year 



is placed by the JavaScript tag based on information sent from Pinterest with promoted traffic to help identify the user. 


1 year 



is a first party cookie that helps ensure that our website users are being directed to the latest version of 


1 year 



is placed by the Pinterest tag when a match is identified when no cookies are present, such as enhanced match 


1 year 

  1. Learn more in our Privacy Policy

More information about your rights and the processing of your personal data can be found in our Data Protection Policy