GROUP DC headquarters (BE)

European market leader De Ceuster Meststoffen (DCM) produces organic fertilisers linked to waste flows from the food industry. This sustainable approach is reflected in their new energy-efficient head office in Grobbendonk.
All modern sustainable construction technologies are integrated: concrete core activation, solar panels, extensive insulation and architectural solar shading.

This project not only accommodates the central departments but also serves as a conference centre. An assignment architect Reginald Schellen looks back on with pleasure: ‘The ideal symbiosis between the building and its environment makes this project genuinely unique.
The building nestles into its natural surroundings and as such reflects the green philosophy of the company.

Thanks to the central triangular void, the shape of the building can be felt everywhere. Absorbent materials, acoustic ceiling islands and blades guarantee good acoustics everywhere. The interior is sober and businesslike, with natural materials and warm, homely elements. On the first floor there is a cozy, warm dining room for the employees.
Schellen Architecten