Spix est un projecteur pour l'extérieur, disponible en différentes formes. Monté en surface, sur piquet à planter dans la verdure ou comme borne de 2 ou 3 unités lumineuses, Spix s'adapte à tous les projets d'extérieur. Il éclairera les arbres, soulignera l'architecture ou mettra en valeur les allées et chemins.
Bien que sa taille soit compacte, la conception intelligente de Spix offre une solution sans aucun câblage visible à l’extérieur du luminaire. La charnière du projecteur ne sert pas seulement à l’incliner dans la direction voulue, elle cache également un passage pour le câblage.
Uniforme dans sa conception, Spix existe en 2 tailles : une version plus petite de 10° pour l’éclairage d’accentuation et une version plus grande de 30° pour un éclairage plus général. Afin d’empêcher les passants de regarder dans le projecteur et réduire la lumière parasite indésirable, la version la plus grande peut être dotée d’une visière sur la face avant.
Deltalight had the opportunity to install a temporary lighting installation at Le Grand-Hornu, a UNESCO heritage site with deep historical resonance. Our approach was not just to illuminate but to revitalize the architecture and accentuate the greenery surrounding it through meticulously crafted lighting design, all the while preserving its rich historic character.
Upon entering Le Grand-Hornu, you are immediately greeted by an interplay between architectural lighting design and the subtle illumination of the surrounding trees. The in-ground Logic fixtures cast a soft embrace of light on the trees, inviting you to step closer. Our Frax fixtures, discreetly tucked away among the branches, provide an unexpected lighting effect on the central water feature. Here, both nature and architecture take center stage.
The Nocta range, known for its diverse lighting effects, was employed to accentuate the red brick walls prevalent throughout this historical mining site, adding a layer of warmth and guidance throughout the UNESCO site.
The Logic Linears outline the beautiful arches with elegance. The multitude of options and accessories this range possesses make it a perfect tool for any designer, whether choosing to discreetly highlight empty space or illuminate architectural eye-catchers.
The Spix, coated in Pine Green and in perfect harmony with the surroundings, was used to illuminate the greenery, allowing the natural beauty of the vegetation to flourish under its gentle glow.
Completing this luminous journey, the Frax on Pole stand as guardians of light over the expansive square leading to the office building. As imposing as they are, their premium design offers trustworthy lighting to guide visitors.
Every product incorporated in this special endeavor embodies Deltalight’s pursuit of quality and innovation. From the discreet uniformity of the Frax and Logic to the diverse lighting possibilities of the Nocta, every segment of Le Grand-Hornu is illuminated, underscoring the interplay of luminance and shadow, architecture and nature, and highlighting the rich history this site possesses.