Triënnale Brugge (BE)

How flexible can a historic city such as Bruges be in times when nothing seems certain? That is the question the artists and architects of the Bruges Triennial are trying to answer this year. Architect Peter Van Driessche is presenting INFINITI²³, a housing concept that aims to offer a solution for the rising sea levels. Deltalight supplied just the right symbolic LED profiles for the residential tower of this work of art.

The theme of the Bruges Triennial this year is 'Liquid City'. It wants to underline how art and architecture can address this volatile, liquid aspect of our lives in public spaces. Solutions must also be found to the rising sea levels due to global warming. According to Peter Van Driessche, they will force cities like Bruges to abandon horizontal expansion projects and instead focus on controlled vertical urban development. INFINITI²³ is a monumental residential tower on water that shows how Bruges can evolve in these turbulent, liquid times.

INFINITI²³ will be one of the eye-catchers of the Bruges Triennial. One striking feature of this work of art is the tower, which consists of several compact capsules and can be fully adapted to the needs of the future. When the water level rises and reaches the next block, that block releases itself and continues to function autonomously on the water.

The Bruges Triennial 2018 will take place from 5 May to 16 September. If you want to admire INFINITI²³ up close, go to the Old St. John site.
Peter Van Driessche - Atelier 4
Diseno de iluminacion
INTI House of light