Startseite Projekte The HUB The HUB #Innenbereich #Rezeption #Gang #Ausstellungsraum #Treppe Zur Pinliste hinzufügen GIBBO Country Belgien Anwendung Exporäume Zur Pinliste hinzufügen Zur Pinliste hinzufügenSHIFTLINE M26H profileGIBBOSPLITLINE M20/SHIFTLINE M26H - SPY 52SPLITLINE M/SHIFTLINE M - LED LINEShow all (4)Zur Pinliste hinzufügenSHIFTLINE M26H profileGIBBOSPLITLINE M20/SHIFTLINE M26H - SPY 52SPLITLINE M/SHIFTLINE M - LED LINETWEETER M TRIMLESSShow all (5)Zur Pinliste hinzufügenMICRO REOFEMTOLINE 35 FLUSH HE profileZur Pinliste hinzufügenSPY 90 ADMFEMTOLINE 35 FLUSH HE profileZur Pinliste hinzufügenSPY 90 ADMFEMTOLINE 35 FLUSH HE profileZur Pinliste hinzufügenSUPERLOOP MDLZur Pinliste hinzufügenSUPERLOOP MDLZur Pinliste hinzufügenSPY 90 ADMZur Pinliste hinzufügenSPY 90 ADMZur Pinliste hinzufügenSPY 90 ADMZur Pinliste hinzufügenMICROSPY CZur Pinliste hinzufügenMICROSPY CZur Pinliste hinzufügenSPY 90 ADMZur Pinliste hinzufügenMICROSPY CSPY 90 ADMZur Pinliste hinzufügenSPY 90 ADMZur Pinliste hinzufügenMICRO REOFEMTOLINE 35 FLUSH HE profileZur Pinliste hinzufügenMICRO REOFEMTOLINE 35 FLUSH HE profileZur Pinliste hinzufügenSPY 90 ADMZur Pinliste hinzufügenSPY 90 ADMZur Pinliste hinzufügenFEMTOLINE 35 FLUSH HE profileZur Pinliste hinzufügenFEMTOLINE 35 FLUSH HE profileZur Pinliste hinzufügenMICROLINE 40/40+ profileZur Pinliste hinzufügenSHIFTLINE M26H profileSPLITLINE M20/SHIFTLINE M26H - SPY 52SPLITLINE M/SHIFTLINE M - LED LINEiMAX ROUND ADJUSTABLE TRIMLESSShow all (4)Zur Pinliste hinzufügenSPLITLINE M20 profileSPLITLINE M20/SHIFTLINE M26H - SPY 66iMAX ROUND ADJUSTABLE TRIMLESSMINI DEEP RINGO TRIMLESSFEMTOLINE 35 FLUSH HE profileShow all (5)Zur Pinliste hinzufügenMICRO REOFEMTOLINE 35 FLUSH HE profile Produkte, die in diesem Projekt verwendet werden MICRO REO Zur Pinliste hinzufügen FEMTOLINE 35 FLUSH HE profile Zur Pinliste hinzufügen SPY 90 ADM Zur Pinliste hinzufügen SUPERLOOP MDL Zur Pinliste hinzufügen MICROSPY C Zur Pinliste hinzufügen MICROLINE 40/40+ profile Zur Pinliste hinzufügen SHIFTLINE M26H profile Zur Pinliste hinzufügen GIBBO Zur Pinliste hinzufügen SPLITLINE M20/SHIFTLINE M26H - SPY 52 Zur Pinliste hinzufügen SPLITLINE M/SHIFTLINE M - LED LINE Zur Pinliste hinzufügen TWEETER M TRIMLESS Zur Pinliste hinzufügen iMAX ROUND ADJUSTABLE TRIMLESS Zur Pinliste hinzufügen SPLITLINE M20 profile Zur Pinliste hinzufügen SPLITLINE M20/SHIFTLINE M26H - SPY 66 Zur Pinliste hinzufügen MINI DEEP RINGO TRIMLESS Zur Pinliste hinzufügen Mehr interessante Projekte 003388_REA13.jpgLunchbox Töging am Inn (DE)003404_REA04.jpg003388_REA13.jpgLunchbox Töging am Inn (DE)003404_REA04.jpg003388_REA13.jpgLunchbox Töging am Inn (DE)003404_REA04.jpg003388_REA13.jpgLunchbox Töging am Inn (DE)003404_REA04.jpg 003388_REA13.jpgLunchbox Töging am Inn (DE)003404_REA04.jpg003388_REA13.jpgLunchbox Töging am Inn (DE)003404_REA04.jpg003388_REA13.jpgLunchbox Töging am Inn (DE)003404_REA04.jpg003388_REA13.jpgLunchbox Töging am Inn (DE)003404_REA04.jpgFormo HQ (DE)Based on the holistic rebranding concept by Amsterdam creative agency Forpeople, the interior of start-up Formo in the space of a historical warehouse building at the bank of Berlin river Spree shows itself not only as a space for work, but at the same time as second home for the employees. After the end of work they enjoy lingering while having a beer and sometimes they even invite friends or family members. Moreover, the headquarter of the manufacturer of nondairy cheese products made from fermented proteins is expected to be the linkage with the teams of the other Formo sites. As future changes in the company’s culture and size have been expected, Formo wants to be prepared. Therefore flexibility has been a key in developing the interior design concept. With its lighting technology characteristics the Soliscape system was predestined for the realization. Nonetheless, the idea to implement this illuminating system throughout the space first of all emerged from a design idea. On its website Formo visually explains the technical background of its vegan cheese production, which uses fermentation processes of microorganisms to create milk proteins. Graphically this process is presented by numerous threedimensional bubbles with docked on balls, which are visually associated with the Soliscape modules. The use of many Soliscape modules in the space abstractly builds the bridge to many holes in cheese. Moreover, the great flexibility and the sound absorption, which is of great importance in the rooms with their high raw ceilings and a great amount of glass, spoke in favour for Soliscape. The idea was presented within two minutes and understood as rapidly. In addition to its original function Soliscape has become a distinctive design element in the open space offices and the semi-public areas. More than that the system is a “mood maker”, as it can create most diverse lighting atmospheres.Lunchbox Töging am Inn (DE)