PLAY, Kortrijk (BE)

The Art event “PLAY” took a start the 23th of june 2018. This opinionated contemporary art city festival will definitely conquer the heart of Kortrijk for the next six months. A more than good reason for Deltalight to let shine its light over some very unique collection pieces.

“Soccer pitch” from Priscilla Monge from Costa Rica makes us reflect on standard rules. By adding hills to a normally flat soccer field, players are forced to change tactics. Creating new rules. Being creative.

Creating and innovating also happen to be the creed of Deltalight. With our latest creation in outdoor lighting “Polesano” we enlighten this special yet unusual installation.

In the Buda factory we accentuate the art work “Untitled” (Distant relations between lovers could fail by the lack of your true focus) from David Nuur. Nuur enlightens the problematic relationship between modern art and the literary textes that try to explain this art. What one sees is not always to be caught in words. Somtimes is seeing enough to emotionally feel the art work essence.

Deltalight is specialized in creating the perfect light for every space or circumstance. Especially when art is involved. Light can also be felt and can not always be described in words.

Play can be visited untill the 11th of november 2018. All info at